Who We Are

We are people seeking truth, meaning, love, and deep connection

Our congregational covenant:

We covenant together, in deed not creed, committing to our shared intention:
To seek truth, meaning, love and deep connection
To act justly, to love kindness, and to travel together respectfully,
Seeking to understand ourselves, each other and all beings as unique reflections of the One Light.

Our Values

We affirm the inherent worth and dignity of every person. We believe in equality for all, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, faith, or physical and mental health.

We are committed to social responsibility – to making a positive difference in the communities in which we live.

We advocate for peace, justice, liberty, equity and compassion in human relations.

We are open to the sincerely held beliefs of others, without judgment, and aim to learn from one another, believing diversity enriches our lives.

We exercise freedom of conscience and responsibility in our search for truth and meaning.

We are committed to respecting the interdependent web of being of which we are a part.

Join us at a Gathering

Sunday Gatherings

Our services start at 10.30 am and last for around an hour. They usually include several songs, readings, one or two periods of prayer and meditation, music, and a short reflection on a theme from the leader. Services are led by our minister and members of the congregation. All welcome. Please see our What’s On page for this week’s theme.


We meditate online with the Unitarian Transformers group on Tuesday evenings. A different meditation every week. No previous experience of meditation required. All welcome. Please see our What’s On page for this week’s theme.

Heart and Soul

Heart and Soul is an online contemplative spiritual gathering in which you can take time to reflect on life in the company of others. Each session follows a regular pattern, including readings and music, time for guided prayers of gratitude, compassion for others, self-reflection, and silent meditation. All welcome. Please see our What’s On page for this week’s theme.